Curious To Know.


What are everyone's views on seizures and marijuana?
I've had five in the past year and have been put on seizure medication
but i'm still using my good ol maryjane. The only problem i've had since
being on the medicine is that I ran out for a day cause the stuff isn't cheap
and ended up having a seizure. I personally think that my marijuana use helps.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
marijuana has been shown to stop some seizures, studies have shown that people with Tonic-clonic aka grand mal seizures would self medicate with cannabis dating back to asia.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
ive had a half dozen siezures myself and all i can say is stick to the medicine. i once tried to stop taking dilantin because it damages your liver, after 2 days without it i had a really bad siezure and almost died. booz too, the last couple times i had a drink i had siezures. And any time i get a fever, that can also cause them for me.

but as far as maryjane its all good. my neurologist tells me just to make sure its not laced, thats her only concern (that and the effects arent truly researched). i smoke 3-4 times a day every day and then take breaks about once a month. and its been gravy. Ive really had to change my lifestyle but its been for the best. good luck with your situation.