Could stretching be a positive thing?


Well-Known Member
If you let your seedlings stretch, could you bury the stretched area of the stem to make more roots? Could you peel some of the outer skin off and apply root hormone and bury the rapid rooter or rockwool further down in the soil?

Or even could you let them stretch horizontally, like in weedsofdestiny's pic from "Outdoor 2009 look" in the outdoor section [The one attatched... I don't wanna get blamed for stealing anything...], and then bury the rooting plug away from the leaves, and bury the the stem along the ground? Could this encourage a wider and healthier root system?



Active Member
i had the same question but what if you got an auto flowering plant stretched out before it stopped growing to get it big as possible


Well-Known Member
Heres my take on this.

Stretchy plants fucking blow!!!

If you keep your lights low and prevent stretching your results will be a plant with tight nodal distance and a strong root system. If you let them stretch, you'll have stupid long branches that your light wont be able to penetrate to the bottom, plus all of the plants energy will have gone into vertical growth instead of strong roots.

Healthy plants = healthy roots & vise versa


Active Member
ill just throw my 2 cents :) streaching in me case is good when i need to get longer steams for taking clones cuts, but only in this situation. any t
other - i leave my clf low as possible. <bottle of beer , cheers>


Well-Known Member
stretching in the beginning I could see as being bad because of weak steams....but really stretching is a natural part of the plants life ....hold a light 6 inch from a plant inside isn't exactly as natural as being outside....


Well-Known Member
I'm growing auto BB and I had a problem with stretching in the begining, now the girls are huge and it doesnt look like they are any worse off for it. I dont think it is something you should try to do, but if it happens and you take the steps necessary to fix it, then it's no big deal.


Well-Known Member
Bury them all the way down to right below the first set of leaves & add more light or lower the lights. They will be fine.

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
I was tripping about 2 of my new seedlings stretching at the moment as well.....
Auto flower strain... but Ive never seen them stretch 4 inches in an outdoor.....?
Genetics and stability could be at play here..... but meh.... I just stake em' up =)

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Sometimes one of my clones will stretch because I spaced about the light and I just bury them up to the first leaves and there fine.

Johney961 your signature reminds me of a t shirt I had when I was a teenager.It had a hippy dude called Freewheelin Franklin on it and it said " Dope will get you through times of no money better then money will get you through times of no dope". Man I loved that shirt