Connect With Caregivers In Michigan


I'm new to the Medical Marijuana Thing, & So Far I am like damn, so many restrictions and rules I feel more afraid than I ever did getting my meds off the black market. I read today on Norml that Caregivers are only allowed to sale to their registered patients. Are we allowed to meet other caregivers? Can we trade with other caregivers to offer our patients variety? Can a experienced caregiver take and inexperience caregiver and show them the ropes? Are we allowed to pass out printed applications to encourage others to get legal and create new patients? Now that I'm a patient does that mean I can't smoke with others unless they are? Am I Asking too many questions? I like forums, but I am always on the book


Well-Known Member
You can swap shit with me if you are legal. I won't tell. I like the forums too and won't have a facebook so we will chat here.