Cloning Windowsill Herbs (Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary)


New Member
anyone with experiencing cloning herbs here? I love to have fresh herbs to cook with...fresh herbs can make a dish 10x better...whether i'm making pasta and want some parsley or basil, or pizza with oregano, they're just a delight to have in the kitchen and offer a nice scent and feel

I recently bought a few plants at home depot and just attempted my first few clones (45 degree-angle cut and remove the leaves/branches from main stem submerged into brown ceramic cups to protect what will hopefully become new root growth from too much light).

this way I can always have fresh herbs to eat...(and put a lot of plants outside this summer as well...MORE HERBS!!)

where's my other non-cannabis-herb cloners??


New Member
Oh BTW, my first herb-cloning attempt is with water...I have some rooting hormone, but I figured I'd wait and see if I could do without, first


Well-Known Member
You don't need anything but a cup of water.... Simply cut off a piece and place it in water. It'll root all on it's own... I leave my cuttings on the window sill and in about 7 days, they have great roots. You can also do this to keep herbs fresh, even when you need to pinch off growth and save them for later.