Clarification on getting 4 main cola


Well-Known Member
Okay so i have chosen the technique found here, and i would just like a little clarification on when i should be doing this to my plants.

The pics below are just a couple of days old. The plants themselves are ~3 weeks old from the time i planted after germ until now.

In the article he refers to the 4th or 5th node being where i would want to do this, so is a "node" counted as a point where a pair of branches are growing from the stem?

If yes, than my babies are ready, as they all have 4-6 sets of branches coming out.

If no, can anyone steer me to the right direction?

thanks :joint:



Active Member
If you read that thread carefully, Uncle Ben and others make this extremely clear.

Grow out 5-6 nodes ( where you see branching) to ensure that the plant is established, cut 1/2" above the SECOND node. You will be left with 4 "branches" that will produce your 4 main colas.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response, it seems upon reading further than just the OP yeilded my answer!

+rep for the clear, concise post that got me the answer i needed.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I just topped 2 of my clones right above the 2nd node. My other plants in flower I have topped at the 7 th and bent over 90 degrees to acheive 5 or more cola like growths. I think that hopefully this topping at the 2nd node will be easier. It is all about those auxins. The effect is nice.

reps to everyobne for fun. topping is good trees.:)