

Well-Known Member
Ya know, as much as I hate myself for posting this, I feel like I have to speak my mind on this matter. I am so sick and tired of Christians although, I myself am a Christian, I sometimes find myself ashamed to claim affiliation with most other Christians. I have learned through my years of being a believer in God, that most Christians are bigots... I do not mean your average bigot either, I mean egotistical, self-indulging, judgmental, superiority complex, religion forcing BIGOTS!

I am sick and tired of every time I enter a room stoned, I am bombarded by Christians trying to witness to me, and trying to me how bad MY habits are. Cannabis is a God made substance for Christ's sake. Who gives a flying fuck if I smoke it? The bible itself says all seed bearing plants are made for man's use. When i smoke, I feel a certain spiritual connection with God because I am using something HE created to open another door in my mind. And they want to tell ME about MY bad habits? I don't drink, smoke, steal, lie, cheat, I only smoke weed.

So what is their problem? I'll tell you... they feel they are better than EVERYONE! And that includes God himself, and I am sick of it! I abide the laws of the bible, I do not self-indulge, I give before I take, and they want to judge and chastise me and other stoners like me without giving us a chance to speak? SCREW THAT! The people in the Christian religion that need to be witnessed to aren't the potheads, nor is it the people who aren't believers of God, it is the Christians themselves! They judge, and expect not to be judged in return although the bible says that is what shall happen.

They chastise anyone who isn't abiding by THEIR rules, not the bibles rules. The bottom line is, most Christians are bigots, and they sicken me, and they should be damned to an eternity of hellish torture for the way they treat each other, fellow Christians, and people among them who aren't believers. My solution from now on, will be simple, and eye for an eye, they try to judge my ways, and try to take my indifference from them that MAKES ME HUMAN away again, I will deck whoever it is.

Now that I am done ranting... -runs off to smoke a bowl-