Carbon Filter running in enclosed space


Active Member
So it seems like all the carbon filter set-ups I've seen have people running their exhaust air through a carbon filter and out of the room. My question is, if I have a completely enclosed room to grow in is there any reason to actually exhaust the air that comes out of the filter, or can I just have a fan sucking air from the room, pushing it through the filter, and then going back out into the room. That would actually be more effective right, because all of the air would continuously be filtered? As long as you are sure to replace the carbon as often as you need to...


Well-Known Member
only problem being is the room will get hot. by exhausting you remove the build up heat as well as odour.

growem green------------spike.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
The whole point of the filter is so there is no odour outside your house...just circulating air through the filter is pointless. You will still smell the plants because of the amount of time to filter the entire volume of air, and since the odour is constantly being produced, the filter will never keep up. If the grow room isn't kept under negative pressure or is (almost) completly air tight, the odours will migrate out of the room. In order to grow in a sealed room you would have to inject CO2. To acheive negative pressure all you have to do is exhaust air faster than it can enter. Since the room is under a very slight vacuum, no odours leave the room.


Well-Known Member
It will work to some degree, but there are other problems with recirculating the same air. Heat is one factor, as is humidity. However, the main reason not to do this is the fact that the air quickly becomes depleted of CO2.


Well-Known Member
You do

I have the same setup to a point, I have a fridge in my garage I use as my cabinet and it filters the air from the fridge to the garage and I open the door once and a while when the heat builds up but if that is not an issue you are good

I have customers come into my garage due to my business and they don't say a thing or even think twice about it, so go for it
So it seems like all the carbon filter set-ups I've seen have people running their exhaust air through a carbon filter and out of the room. My question is, if I have a completely enclosed room to grow in is there any reason to actually exhaust the air that comes out of the filter, or can I just have a fan sucking air from the room, pushing it through the filter, and then going back out into the room. That would actually be more effective right, because all of the air would continuously be filtered? As long as you are sure to replace the carbon as often as you need to...
Ive seen it on medi grows on the net , the rooms are perfectly sealed and equipped with dehumidifiers,heat exchangers, co2 , sulfur burners and carbon filter and fan constantly scrubbing the air in the room .