Cannabutter Question


Well-Known Member
Also a matter of how potent you want it to be. More pot in less butter will make less cookies (or w/e you make) but they'll be more potent.


Active Member
if i were you i would wait until you have half ounce at hand. i would also use vegetable/canola oil. the end result came out much better for me when i did this. it also came out really strong. if you decided to use the oil put the recommended amount in a pan and then put the ground up weed in. make sure you keep it on the lowest heat possible (so you dont burn the thc) for about 2hours stirring occasionally. you can then strain the weed out and add the oil to the recipe. dont forget to smoosh the weed to because theres still good thc soaked up in that. then bake and enjoy.


Well-Known Member
for my regular customers i use about 1/4 per stick (1/2 cup) of UnSalted (blood pressure) butter with 36% Saturated fat. I simmer it for a minimum of 3 hours, get 8 brownies out of a pan and they put most people i know to sleep in 2 hours.