Cannabis in Canada has become Black or White...pick your side.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Pretty obvious that the old way of cannabis life in this country is under direct attack by money grubbers.
And their love of money has made them vicious in their quest for it. YOU are the target now!
Pick your side!
Because if you buy or support the government can't be both!
I see NO chance of surviving together. Your either one or the other.
Now which side looks evil?
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Well-Known Member
Gov side is evil and always will be because it gets to arbitrate the use of force, or use force whenever it desires.
That's what people who champion the social good for the most part, fail to understand. Gov is the biggest mass murderer in history. Governments have killed more people than religion etc combined.

Government is not your "friend". It is not here to, nor will it, "take care of you". It is a ravenous beast you can temporarily tame. That is it. Understand this my friends. Everything it does has a cost to you.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Smoke a doobie @The Hippy, a homegrown doob of course. $10-$15/g for government schwagg, yeah, that market will last a few days ;)

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Done I'll have another.
Yes I believe folks will tire of those stupid prices. Seems like a lot of younger folks are not connected very well maybe...I dunno. I can't see being giddy paying 60 bucks for 4 grams or whatever.
Like any new restaurant when they open, it's nuts busy at first.
I know some folks just bought to say they did...seems stupid to me as well.


Well-Known Member
At 14 years jail, who is going to risk selling to a minor? Shit the easy way is just to let my field get stolen and trimmed clean and dried oddly enough.and placed in my strange...teenagers...who knows what they do eh. Weirdos.


Well-Known Member
At 14 years jail, who is going to risk selling to a minor? Shit the easy way is just to let my field get stolen and trimmed clean and dried oddly enough.and placed in my strange...teenagers...who knows what they do eh. Weirdos.
BTW FUCK the police, and more importantly, the .gov assholes in the butt.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I started smoking as a young teen. It probably kept me from enjoying booze that much.....whew ! for me.
Asking them to wait until the're 19 is not gonna work.
I would never sell it to a young person though


Well-Known Member
I started smoking as a young teen. It probably kept me from enjoying booze that much.....whew ! for me.
Asking them to wait until the're 19 is not gonna work.
I would never sell it to a young person though
I started enjoying the booze at around 13 - didn't find the devil's lettuce until about 3 years later.