Cana-Cocoa Crispys (F'in delicious)


Active Member
Me and my girl came up with these, they taste great and get you high as fuck, lets begin. :hump:

Step 1. Prepare some :twisted:strong:twisted: canna butter because the recipe calls for only two tablespoons of it.

Step 2. Set your stove to medium low and throw your canna butter in there with 1 Small bag of marshmallows 1 Tablespoon of vanilla 1 Tablespoon of cinnamon stir until you get a nice gooey mixture. heres a pic before vanilla and cinnamon were added.:roll:

Step 3. once you have a nice gooey texture mix in about 6-7 cups of Cocoa pebbles (or if your broke like me get the generic dyno bites)

Important note : im eyeballin' the measurements on the cereal but just make sure your consistency is very thick and hard to stir.

Step 4. Place it all into a greased cake pan (or something of the sort depends on how thick you want em is how i'd go about choosing the right size)

Step 5. Stick that fo in the freezer on top of the ice cube trays ( not mandatore but insures they cool and harden faster)

Step 6. Smoke a well deserved bowl,bong,blunt,power hitter,joint,vape, or that thing with hash when you stick it under a glass cup and suck it out with a straw?
lol whatever you use, but hit that shit good you deserve it! :mrgreen:

Step 7. by now you are probably realizing that you just made some bomb ass munchies, and your taking em out of the freezer.

Step 8. if your trying to be artsy cut em into nice little square pieces and eat em up!


Well-Known Member
leave out the Vanilla and Cinnamon . Instead , put in a 1/4 cup of Peanutbutter. Penutbutter and Cocoa Krispies go great together.


Well-Known Member
I make these for dispensarys all the time, they are super popular in SD. I just take 1 stick of strong cannabis butter(melted) and add it to one bag of marshmallows melt them down and toss in the cereal. The marshmallow can take a lot of butter so do not be afraid to add more to your recipe. Also I think that fruity pebbles are far better than the coco ones. good luck with your medibles


Active Member
I've used fruity pebbles, cinnamon toast crunch.

you name it i've done it oh and i like it with vanilla and cinnamon =]