Can someone recommend a good HPS setup?


Well-Known Member
Yo ho ho everyone,

Im veging at the moment with a 150 watt halide and plan on continuing till early-mid October.

And I need to scout-out a decent 150 watt HPS setup for when its time to flower. :weed:

The thing is, I dont need a fancy fixture or reflector. I plan on seting-up a cool-tube for it, so I only need the ballast, a socket, wiring, and the bulb.

Does anyone know of an online store or a shop near O.C. California where I can pick-up a 150 watt setup like this?

Preferably under $75 since Sun Systems 150W unit is complete (w/fixture/reflector) for 75+shipping.




Well-Known Member
Yodeley-eeee everyone,

Alright, I found one on my own. Reading current similar posts in this forum I realized that other regular members want members like me who are looking for product advice to find it for ourselves and make our own self-informed decisions, which is understandable and noble. There may very well be another place I could have found a quality-comprable product for less money, and if there is, I did my best to find it. And at least I can know that when I get this shit in the mail, that it was MY decision, and if it sucks I have no one to blame but myself (which wouldnt be any different had I gotten 1000 replies to this thread: I would have taken your advice, afterall...and is that not your all's point?)

For any user who is looking for an inexpensive HPS unit for smaller grows, here is the 150 watt unit I bought that I will be using for the flowering stage of my 3-plant grow in my 5 cubic-foot ScrOG cabinet for 50 bucks INCL shipping.

Take my advice if you want it, and at your own risk. Good luck!

