Can somebody ban this idiot, for good?


Well-Known Member
So, we have jerk with at least three accounts now, saying the same thing in every thread, switching back and forth between accounts to post "+ reps" for his other accounts (yes I know he isn't really doing it, just posting it) and using the exact same photos. Troll Spray.

I really don't even need to type his usernames, I'm sure EVERYONE in here knows this douchebag by now.

whos that cat? = fog horn = Colombian Cannabis Plants

All the troll does is call everyone else a troll and try to disrupt EVERY thread. BAN this idiot, please.

I think I have the solution to idiots like this guy. After banning and closing this tool's account. Why not enforce a 3 month probation period for any new member before they can post in the politics section. It would completely end this crap AND no new member who is really joining RIU to learn to grow or contribute would care at all. Simple to do and would end any need to monitor this section for the nitwits with aliases.


Well-Known Member
dont feed the trolls they will fade out and or get banned.. trust this aint the first one this forum has seen