

Active Member
Hi. Indoors you face the threat of bugs. Tiny little insects that eat at your plant. This is a really quick guide to cause, prevention, and eradication of such pests.


01. Dirty tools. You should make sure to thoroughly clean your tools before using them indoors.

02. Dirty room. Your room might have been dirty before you started using it to grow.

03. Dirty you. You might have brought the bugs in on your clothing or shoes.


01. Dirty Tools: clean your tools thoroughly before using them indoors. DO NOT USE outdoor tools on indoor plants before cleaning them fanatically. Use warm salt water to clean them with a stiff rag to kill off anything alive left on the tool.

02. Dirty Room: clean the grow space at least a week before you start. Give it time to sit quietly in quarantine to prevent contamination. Vacuum the space well, wash down the walls with soap. Try to keep the room cool as temperature at lower levels actually hinders the insects activity as well as reproduction.

03. Dirty You: sounds like an insult but it is not, because I am not implying you stay dirty. What I am implying is that you did not change your clothes and shoes before you entered your grow space and might have brought these little critters into your space on accident. If you contaminated the space you will know in a short time and if so, then see Eradication

The safe way to do it is to use a cue-tip and rubbing alcohol. Apply it to the surface of the soil. Direct contact with the bugs will kill them instantly and should not be too toxic to your plant. This is the first step to take when fighting the bugs because it is less stressful for you and the plant.

The next step is to try soap and a sponge to clean the leaves that are infected. You will spot dieing leaves or spotted yellow leaves as a sign of infection. Using your magnify glass you might notice a web like structure on the under part of the leaves; these need to be wiped down with soap.

There are also a few solution to try but I am not endorsing any of them as I have not tried any of them as of yet.

Simple. So remember, keep a good eye on your plants and catch these little bastards before they fuck up your grow. Good luck.