Bring them in or keep them out?


Active Member
In the past week three seedlings have sprouted outside and are doing well. Its july 7th and i was wondering if i wanted a worthy yield should i bring them inside and run them on a 24hr light cycle and then put them outside for flowering later on in the season. Will the shock be too much for them?

Any ideas?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I pick the natural outside every time when possible. I've got newly germed sprouts outside ( I planted them yesterday) in diffused sunlight. No direct sunlight. The low was 74 last night, so I left them out. If it got any cooler, I would have brought them in. After about 4 days, I'd let them have direct sunlight for about 30 minutes total, at first. It's like working on a sun tan. They would grow faster if brought in for light at night, though. But let them get to be a week old prior to 24 hr lighting, you'll want to give the root system a chance to be able to support fast leaf growth.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. I'll deffinetly let them grow for a while longer and let them roots get nice and settled.