Big winners under Bush


Well-Known Member
Here are the real winners under the bush regime. This was in 2002 Its lots worse now, these were just his opening salvos against the working people of America. He sunk Texas and at this time,2002 he was well on his way in sinking the rest of the U.S. We're all paying now


Well-Known Member
Here's my link: your brain. It doesn't take rocket science to see that Bush has given a pass to corporate America on everything from taxation to environmental regulations, while the "Middle class" has been slipping farther and farther behind. Job loss, Medical expenses, Fuel expenses, Educational expenses, you name it, and the "middle class" has taken it up the Culo! The Economy is "doin Great" for the top 10% of americans and that is where Bush gets his figures from. Who benefits from the rise in the stock market the most, the wealthy investors, who benefits least, the rest of us. Don't act all high and mighty and ask for figures, who the fuck knows what figures the Govt. bandies about, certainly none of Bush's great economy has helped me or most of the people I know. It's certainly helped millionaires. I'm sure if I was in the top 10% of money boys, I'd say vote Bush, Vote Republican, and fuck the rest of the people. What throws my head in a spin is that 52% of the people voted for the son-of-a-bitch, and only 10% of them are rich, whats up with that, Insanity prevails! why would you vote for someone that was going to put us in an illegal war, cut taxes for the rich, run the national debt into the stratisphere, let corporations make the laws, take away what little freedoms we have left, and generally fuck the little guy to tears, if your a little guy? I'm lost for an explanation of that one. must be the religious Idiots that actually think Bush is a Christian. He talks like a christian, but certainly doesn't act like one. He talks the talk but can't walk the walk. He should read the new testament more and get what Jesus was all about, help the poor, love thy neighbor and all that christian stuff, I think the SOB is the Devil Incarnate. Just my opinion. you ask for it and there it is!


Well-Known Member
You are right Med.
I could understand people voting for Bush in 2000. If you were tired of the Clinton white house, and you wanted something new, you voted for Bush. But after all the fuck ups and the unpopular war even then, why would anyone vote for Bush in 2004.

I learned one important thing after that election.
It's the people's fault.

I now know that there will always be a bad person that wants to be in power. And I don't blame the "Bad person", that's what he does...
I blame the people who put him in power. The majority of the people in this country are ignorant, uneducated idiots. It's not what americans want to hear, but that is the truth. When compared to the rest of the world, America is pretty Dumb.

If a large portion of this country doesn't wise up soon, we will always be in danger of being conned by "Bad people".

The problem with democracy is that the Majority is not always right.


Well-Known Member
I'm still looking for the 29% of idiots whom have lost many things they had before Bush and still support him, are these people martyrs, do they like getting fucked, Oh them of little brains!


New Member
Yes, Med ... if only the majority of the population was as brainy as you, we would have Kerry and John Edwards in power now. One lives off of rich woman and has never worked in the private sector in his entire life, and the other is a blood sucking trial lawyer who made millions off of bogus health claims.



Well-Known Member
Yes, Med ... if only the majority of the population was as brainy as you, we would have Kerry and John Edwards in power now. One lives off of rich woman and has never worked in the private sector in his entire life, and the other is a blood sucking trial lawyer who made millions off of bogus health claims.

At least we wouldn't be mired down in an unwinnable war with 5-10 americans dying daily, and untold Iraqis biting the dust! Yes we wouldn't have your precious tax cuts but believe me, if I saw 50 bucks in tax cuts it was a miracle! You right wing or whatever the fuck you want to call yourselves are a bunch of selfish oricks that don't give a damn about anything but your precious money. You can't take it with you and remember the gates of hell are waiting for you rich bastards. Don't call me jealous because I live a good life. I have everything I need. A paid for house, a new truck, money in the bank, a stock account etc. Maybe I don't have all you have but I've got enough! If you idiots can't see how Bush has Fucked America, then your even dumber than I give you credit for, so believe what the fuck you want, Hoard your money and pray to Jesus, but just like Bush your prayers are falling on deaf ears because your actions speak louder than words!


New Member
So, you got 50 bucks in tax cuts? If that's true, then you really didn't pay much in taxes. The more a person paid in, the more of a tax cut was recieved. The only reason to bitch about this would be that what you REALLY want is wealth redistrubition and you could care less about tax cuts. You're way too transparant Med ... just like all of your fellow Commie travelers.



New Member
So, you got 50 bucks in tax cuts? If that's true, then you really didn't pay much in taxes. The more a person paid in, the more of a tax cut was recieved. The only reason to bitch about this would be that what you REALLY want is wealth redistrubition and you could care less about tax cuts. You're way too transparant Med ... just like all of your fellow Commie travelers.

Uhhh ... you didn't respond to the entire post. How about answering the wealth redistribution point, or the point about tax cuts in proportion to what one pays in taxes?



New Member
The point you're trying to make? So if you make more you pay more Duh! The only problem is you don't pay enough more. I'm sure you would cut all "entitlement" programs so you could keep "your" money. The money you stole from people buying real estate @ 3%-9% of the purchase price for maybe 10 hours of work, while coercing sellers to raise their prices because it was a "sellers" market, (housing shortage) so your commission would go up. You might think you've fooled the majority of the people you fucked, But your "ilk" has fucked the real estate market to tears for personal gain and anyone with any brains can see right through your Bullshit! You are a greedy bastard, call this an insult if you will, I call it a Fact!


New Member
Man, you are even more negative and ignorant than I thought.

Its such a shame that an individule can grow up in a free society, work all of his life making a great living, then retire with benefits and come away with an attitude as negative as yours.

You have absolutly NO clue about the real estate business ... or just plain business in general.

And no ... I am not insulted at all. Would I be insulted if a child competing in the Special Olympics stepped on my foot?



New Member
Man, you are even more negative and ignorant than I thought.

Its such a shame that an individule can grow up in a free society, work all of his life making a great living, then retire with benefits and come away with an attitude as negative as yours.

You have absolutly NO clue about the real estate business ... or just plain business in general.

And no ... I am not insulted at all. Would I be insulted if a child competing in the Special Olympics stepped on my foot?

Not insulted, You should be ashamed!


Well-Known Member
100% disagree.

the right was still calling everyone a commie back then, too. rightfully or not.

that's their one move.
That's what I was implying by 'the barbs'. It really is a classic fall-back devoid of imagination...
But Muslim Marxist Pancake Bunnies are classy and shiny.

Personally, I suspect the influence of ultra-sensational journalism has brought about the current environment, as far as populist debates go. Coupled with the exponential growth of shit information which obfuscates the real information that is out there, it only exacerbates the inability to remain cognizant of details.

That is, it's a great deal easier to survive in ignorance now...the need to be informed has been removed as a prerequisite. I suppose it is one of the trade-offs of the digital age; quantity for quality.