Best tasting portable vaporizers?


Well-Known Member
Looking for a portable/handheld vape. The Da Vinci 2.0 and the Ascent look interesting, but how do they taste? I appreciate any replies.
I have an Arizer Solo that I have had for about 8 months now and I really like it. The battery lasts for multiple personal sessions, great taste, easy temp controls, small efficient chamber. I take this out with me if I need meds while I'm away from my house, camping, hiking, etc. From startup to vaped in less than 5 minutes. I had mine fired up in a bathroom stall one time and as I was leaving there was a cop coming out of a nearby stall. We exchanged pleasantries and went on our way. Try that with a doob. Sorry, but dont have any experiance with your selections.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone purchased an Ascent vaporizer? If so where did you get it from, all the places I've seen they are out of stock. Anyone who owns one want to give a review? Do the larger vaporizers such as the Volcano taste better than the handheld ones? I've read through lots of different reviews and they are all over the place- one person loves this one another hates- typical Internet stuff. I'm looking to the trusted RIU members for some first hand knowledge. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I have an Atomos Raw and love it I also here great things about the Magic-Flight Launch box, everyone I've met that owns one has nothing bad to say.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Grojak, The Launch Box keeps coming up. Most people say good things about it. How's the flavor with your Atmos. Can you vape bud with it?


I just bought a Magic Flight Launch box and i fucking love it. No problems whatsoever. The thing is tiny too. Comes with a lifetime warranty as well (not on batteries though). I would suggest a MFLB.

Mr John

Active Member
Has anyone purchased an Ascent vaporizer? If so where did you get it from, all the places I've seen they are out of stock. Anyone who owns one want to give a review? Do the larger vaporizers such as the Volcano taste better than the handheld ones? I've read through lots of different reviews and they are all over the place- one person loves this one another hates- typical Internet stuff. I'm looking to the trusted RIU members for some first hand knowledge. Thanks.
I don't know why they are on back-order for so long, I resorted to buying a used one on Ebay. I have not tried it yet sad to say.


Well-Known Member
I was going to get one a few weeks ago so i was asking @ alot. the mflb looked pretty good to me.


Well-Known Member
I just bought a Magic Flight Launch box and i fucking love it. No problems whatsoever. The thing is tiny too. Comes with a lifetime warranty as well (not on batteries though). I would suggest a MFLB.
I second this. It hits like a champ and is small enough to slip in your pocket.