AZCS oz's are 400 buxxxxxors???


Well-Known Member
I'm all for the cause to abolish that 25 mile rule. That rule sucks donkey dick to the 10th power. Anyways if someone drafts anything or needs anything from me to help the cause then consider it done.


Active Member
so i should get money raped???? By greedy money men?? fuck that noise man. Been stealth for 15 years. Not changing, and not paying unreasonable prices for weed now that i bought grow lights and all the stuff that goes along with HAVING to grow your own medicine.
They didnt have places to buy it, so they said i HAD grow it myself, which is an investment, and now that hey are going to open weed stores up, im supposed to piss on that investment? Nope not this guy
HEAR HERE, Philosophist! Shit we really need to figure out who or how to write this petition to end the stupidity. Philosophist I got loads of respect for you and any guerlla gardener. If I didn't have so many factors to consider I would've done what Philosophist did but still kudos to you, homie. It's people like you that will make the movement successful


Active Member
the rule is a joke and hopefully will not stay around very long. I think it is not getting much attention right now because of the lack of dispensaries however if they are ever allowed to open I think this will be the next big lawsuit.


Active Member
No i see the point, but after serving in Iraq twice, then going through the mess of a VA system
then seeing my government drive this country into the ground.....
Sorry dont think the government will let us have it OUR way with out ALOT of us going to jail for our rights. Sorry man, i've had my fight.

Just wanna smoke and chill. Dont wanna be told what to do im my house, i dont bother anyone, i help my old ass neighbor take out his a good guy. I dont need the stupid ass government telling me what plant i can grow in my house.
They cant balance a check book or agree on issue that affect the Americans that put them in office.... fuck what they say about it. If im careful ill never have an issue.
Thank you for your service in the sandbox Phili!