AZ goes after compassion clubs


Well-Known Member
well i was on azdhs' website today reviewing any amendments made to the law. i noticed that they have a few law suits in the works. aside from the obvious ones of the state bringing suit against the law, and private citizens and nonprofits suing the state for not taking dispensary applications, i found one law suit which was extremely interesting.
here is the link
apparently Tom (scumbag) Horne. has brought suit against the following organizations:
2811 Club
Arizona Compassion Club
Yoki A Ma Club
The Arizona Compassion Association
and john and jane doe (persons not yet identified who are running compassion clubs)
and mystery companies (like the above but for org, corp, etc. rather than persons)

for those who do not like to read or do not understand legalese, the gist of this lawsuit states that these clubs are acting out of the bounds of AMMA guidelines according to the state. the state says that their guise of "donations" is bullshit and they make statements that these are pot shops and they are distributing marijuana against the statutes of AMMA.

this lawsuit was filed on the 8th i have tried to find out when the hearing will be, but no one in the valley is reporting on this. I am not really surprised given the quality, biased leanings, and overall incompetence of the local media and reporters.

so the state is going after these compassion clubs. they recommend that they be shut down and the members prosecuted without the protection of AMMA. They can not just go in and do it because they need a judge to hear this case and it needs to go through due process, seeing that these are new statutes and the nitty gritty has yet to be defined.

one note of interest in this case is the naming of john and jane and mystery company as defendants. the state is trying to set a precedent which they can apply to anyone operating a compassion club or the like.

on another note i noticed that there has been a revision to the statute regarding zoning for dispensaries, which basically states in a backwards was that any city may restrict the opening of dispensaries within their jurisdiction by not providing proper zoning areas.

just as i thought this shit hole state government is trying to erode a voter approved measure based on their own moral bullshit. and people wonder why everyone leaves this shit hole after they graduate. these people disgust me. your thoughts, comments, criticisms etc are welcomed (if not always appreciated)


Well-Known Member
well i was on azdhs' website today reviewing any amendments made to the law. i noticed that they have a few law suits in the works. aside from the obvious ones of the state bringing suit against the law, and private citizens and nonprofits suing the state for not taking dispensary applications, i found one law suit which was extremely interesting.
here is the link
apparently Tom (scumbag) Horne. has brought suit against the following organizations:
2811 Club
Arizona Compassion Club
Yoki A Ma Club
The Arizona Compassion Association
and john and jane doe (persons not yet identified who are running compassion clubs)
and mystery companies (like the above but for org, corp, etc. rather than persons)

for those who do not like to read or do not understand legalese, the gist of this lawsuit states that these clubs are acting out of the bounds of AMMA guidelines according to the state. the state says that their guise of "donations" is bullshit and they make statements that these are pot shops and they are distributing marijuana against the statutes of AMMA.

this lawsuit was filed on the 8th i have tried to find out when the hearing will be, but no one in the valley is reporting on this. I am not really surprised given the quality, biased leanings, and overall incompetence of the local media and reporters.

so the state is going after these compassion clubs. they recommend that they be shut down and the members prosecuted without the protection of AMMA. They can not just go in and do it because they need a judge to hear this case and it needs to go through due process, seeing that these are new statutes and the nitty gritty has yet to be defined.

one note of interest in this case is the naming of john and jane and mystery company as defendants. the state is trying to set a precedent which they can apply to anyone operating a compassion club or the like.

on another note i noticed that there has been a revision to the statute regarding zoning for dispensaries, which basically states in a backwards was that any city may restrict the opening of dispensaries within their jurisdiction by not providing proper zoning areas.

just as i thought this shit hole state government is trying to erode a voter approved measure based on their own moral bullshit. and people wonder why everyone leaves this shit hole after they graduate. these people disgust me. your thoughts, comments, criticisms etc are welcomed (if not always appreciated)
Yeah dude this was in the paper a few weeks back. AZ is fucking lame sometimes. Jan Brewer and all the right wingers here bitch and moan about our states right to enforce illegal immigration, then when the voters of AZ ( The same people who got those fools elected ) pass a MMJ law they send it to the FEDS and supreme court, what a bunch of Hippocrates!


Well-Known Member
i worked for federal and state gubments. ima keep my head down and wait to see what these clowns end up doing. politicians and beerocrats are the worst combination ever!


Active Member
Keep in mind, if they successfully legislate dispensaries (compassion clubs), then they will make AZ a defacto grow your own mmj state. The gub-ment said they don't want voters growing there own. They say growing your own isn't safe because it increases crime rates like burgluries and B&Es (BULLSHIT) and they say that there is no way to ensure quality (like there is already?). Though I obtain through a club *hits self in forehead*. I would much rather prefer a choice on how I obtain my mmj.


Active Member
Not to mention JOE ASSHOLE stateing right out if paitents get there meds taken for ANY reason we will not get them back. Asshole az political shit.