are they aphids


hi,i have a plant that has tiny little yellow bugs on it and i think they are aphids.what do i do?should i move it from other plants in the garden?


Well-Known Member
Need more info then it's a yellow bug.
A lot of bugs are harmless.
It's the bugs you can't see that kill your crop.
Just Google Aphids on wikipedia etc and see if you can't find one that matches..or comes close.
There may be links to pictures of pest bugs in the Read me or FAQ.

Use magnifier to examine leaves..especially bottom of leaf. Look for bugs, bug casings,larva,pupae, fecal matter, webbing, egg sacs.
Shake plant and see what flies out...try to catch it.
Use traps.

If it has 8 legs it's a spider mite. ( Spider mites don't fly ) AKA The Borg.
If there is a lot of black fecal matter it could be thrips or aphids.

Usually by the time you find a infestation on a plant the surrounding plants are affected also.