Anyone using and aeroflo system


Active Member
Hello all.
I have an aeroflo system,, a 72 unit system that I copied and made myself and have running at my friends house in his basement.
40 gallon resevoir with a 1280 submersable pump.

We got some clones from a friend (hash plant) and made 3 mothers and put the rest into the system.

8' x 8' room

we are using 2 - 1000 watt lights with the eye blue bulb, wich should work for both veg and bloom.

the lights are ducted with a 6" high cfm fan, so heat is minimal,,
room temp is 75-80 with lights on and gets down to 65 with lights off.

we vegged for 1-1/2 weeks,.. oops,, plants got way to big, we switched the light cycle to 12/12 when they were about 12-16 inces tall.
We are using Flora Nova nutes.
The veg was started at 500 and slowly raised to 700.
We try to keep the ph between 5.5 and 6.5,,,, usually around 5.8 or 5.9

For the bloom we are also using Flora Nova with some flora blend, flora licious, and liquid kool bloom.
starting the bloom at 700pm and will raise it 100ppm each week until we hit about 1200-1300 ppm and keeping it there until the last week and then we will flush the system,,, not sure how we should do that, if we should use about 500ppm mix or just strait water ??

How does this sound ? ? ?
Does it sound like it is something that will work out and produce some good stuff ? ? ?
We are 1-1/2 weeks into the bloom right now,,, I will post some pics if this thread draws any interest..

Thanks everyone,,,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
yea u neeed to move this...but if the plants are too need to tie them down or zset up a screen over the plants too give them suport or they will just fall down,..


Active Member
Isn't the system I made an aero system ?
Its exactley the same as the AeroFlo system that is sold by GH.
If not, where should I move it to ?


Well-Known Member
This is for "AeroGarden" posts, not aeroponic growing.

You probably want to post this in the next section up, general hydro/aero