Anyone ordered meds from classifieds?


Well-Known Member
Yea look for vendors with pics of strains call n ask description of the nug if they don't have any pics ask them to take pics n email them to u if ur getting large amnts


Active Member
All the time. I used 3 delivery services. All are fair but I've been sticking to one lately because their top shelf is real cheap.


Well-Known Member
I also use the shit outta weedmaps. the site itself runs a bit slow but all of the places there are legit. Check the review on the individual places to make choices based upon what your looking for.


Active Member
daaaamn weedmap classifieds are waaay cheaper than club prices.! is this the way really to go?


Well-Known Member
well i know anything from cameroon is a scam, at least most of the news and articles warn anything from there, i wouldnt buy weed from there just a tip!!


Well-Known Member
My dog killed my "Light Blue" mother so I used weed maps to find new Blueberry females to cross with my NL#5 again. I found about 5 people claiming to have dj short blueberry clones! and I was actually surprised when 3 out of the 5 had clones that looked almost the same and were also very close to the original blueberry I crossed! I bought all that the 3 people had so I can clone and flower them to see which is the best! Weed maps is just like any other buy sell add! check what you are buying before you buy it! I've bought a couple cars off craigslist but not just because the post said thats what it is!


New Member
I wouldn't order shit from Cameron, but I've used weedmaps, budtrader and craigslist to buy from local growers a bunch of times. Make sure they have good pictures and a phone number and the guy on the phone doesn't talk like a gangsta. The guys placing these ads are growers who would rather sell their product directly to patients for the same price they would wholesale it to the clubs for. Cuts the middle man out of the loop. So, you're basically getting wholesale prices on the same stuff you would buy from the clubs for 3x as much most of the time.


Well-Known Member
To the post above me,your 100% correct,clubs mark there supply way up compared to the wholesale price they pay.If you go to the right shops you can get the same deals,you just have to find the right shops;D .I picked up a ounce of catpiss bud yesterday for 100$,its grown good,not top shelf off course but some pretty dank mids for 100 a zipper.Ive also noticed the bigger more known shops charge crazy prices usually like 55 -60cap on eights,where the smaller less known shops are down to like 40-45 caps on top shelf.Plus going to the same shop for long period of time helps as you tend to get hooked up more often as a repeat customer then a new one.I found my little shop and i luv it haha,but even going in with say 5$ i can still walk out with a gram of some decent stuff,it just sucks other shops are over charging.