all bottom, older fan leaves are falling off


Nearly all my bottom fan leaves have fallen off my plant. Each branch just falling away from the plant. Before they fall, they turn yellowish and soften up. The branches connecting though, remain sturdy. I've changed watering cycles and held back nutrient feedings lately. I still don't know what it is


Well-Known Member
how old is your plant?

lower foliage turning yellow and falling off is perfectly normall for older plants.



Well-Known Member
its only normal in a plant tha is almost ready to harvest and even then alot of peolpe keep them green all the way till harvest. if your 1-2 weeks from harvest its ok other wise it sounds like she wants some N.


Well-Known Member
its only normal in a plant tha is almost ready to harvest and even then alot of peolpe keep them green all the way till harvest. if your 1-2 weeks from harvest its ok other wise it sounds like she wants some N.
it could just be a light penetration issue , if inadaquat light is penetrating then lower foliage will fall regardless of how much N a plant gets.

Once the original poster replied i was going to ask a series of questions to identify their problem but wasnt going to bombard them Q's straight away.
