Air Pruning for crazy and rapid root growth


Well-Known Member
I've read lots about people recently asking how to get better root mass.
Well folks, it's all in the how you start your seedlings or cuttings!

Best tip I can give for this is

As your cuttings are rooting, (if in cubes or jiffy pellets) put them on a baking rack.

Allowing a layer of air to be moving 360• around the entire pellet and cutting.
The tap root will start to shoot out the bottom. As this happens , it's met with dryer air and the clone will grow another new tap root right beside the one that just popped out.

The ends of the tap roots will brown very very slightly as they meet the air, this will make your cutting push out another and another and another tap until it's literally a White spikey ball underneath.

As its transplanted , the root growth is rapid , and it's not just one tap you'll get from it either.

Now- this is how you promote crazy and rapid root growth.
It's also particularly handy if you have multi strains that aren't all ready at the same time for putting into a system together.

I did have some pics of my examples of this but they're by anywhere to be found.