Absolute discharge for owners of raided Waterloo Dispensary


Well-Known Member
Yes, but a very, very limited few. Marijuana is still illegal here in a big way. You're caught selling, you lose everything and go to jail no matter what.
So that is in the USA right? Where you live, right? Well it begs to ask why you even care. At least in Canada it will be legal and regulated on all levels, federal, provincial etc... So traveling with our medicine will not be an issue like in the great ol US of A's. When you are sick and live in a country where health care is all about money instead of medicine you simply have no choice but to take matters into your own hands. I may not be legal but if and when I ever have to go to court over any aspect of what I do with cannabis, I have a simple two word defense that the Charter of Rights will support and enforce .... REASONABLE ACCESS

Say hi to Jeff for me will ya!


Well-Known Member
. They care about people like those in this post that undermine the law and will bring down the federal government on them like a ton of bricks.

People like that are why governments are still resisting legalizing it...because even when they DO have a legal avenue, greedy people still break the law anyway and sell to make money.

That's the problem with CRIMINALS: they break the law no matter what, just like these people did...and they do it for one reason only: THEIR OWN PROFIT.
"They care about people like those in this post that undermine the law"

and WHO might that be? (: