a mini indoor


Active Member
hi all:bigjoint:

well, here is my grow room (if u can call it like that) hehe

not money around here in baja, so just build it with things i had in the house....

the area is 0.19 m2

i have 5 cfl's (around 7000 lmn), they are 10-15 from the lamps now.
2 pc fans , on all day&night
14oz. cups
1 jet puff creme cup (yummy:lol:) for improvised aeroponics
the reflective thing was a windshield cover from a car
a little air pump, with no airstone
a big fan outside removing the air from the house, all the windows are open always

right now i have the 24/0

they have 1 month old!!!:-( yeahh.. i dont know why, im using soil from the store, im watering with drinking water

i water like every 2 days... but the soil its too compact, it cracks and dont let the roots breathe

they are not chronic or something like that, its some pretendal from the streets:sleep:

im experimenting with these ones, so later i can get ones from Europe...(is there a place in san diego where i can buy seeds?)
I already asked a few friends to get me some seeds, but its rarely that the nugs come with them

well enough of blah... here asre the photos


ps. sorry 4 my englishbongsmilie

bubbleponics!! hehe


