35 days to being ROOT APHID free


Well-Known Member
There are many ways to get rid of root aphids. This is just the way that I am going about it. Everything here is only my opinion.

So, root aphids popped up in my garden again. They were there in summer of 2010 and have not seen them since. Just spotted them in a flowering tent this morning.

I see many people not familiar with how to get rid of them. I will post pics, info and the times all here to show how you can rid root aphids of your setup.

This setup involves two flowering tents, mothers, seedlings, rooting clones and recently rooted cuttings. So, there is a a lot involved, much work.

It should take a little over a month to complete, but it should be pretty imformative. After 35 days, everything should be back on track, producing.
cool, im dealing with aphids for the first time right now. its not too bad though very minimal damage and i cant find more then around 15-20 every couple days. im doing daily Manuel killings right now but i got sticky pads and a spray coming.


Active Member
You can use a dish or bowl of apple cider vinegar to attract them. Also, if you keep the roots underwater, with oxygenated water there is enough O2 for the plants but not for the RA. I have seen people use dry ice in DWC systems to gas them with the C02. They are hard to fully kill off as they reproduce without the need for sex. Imagine if every time some one masturbated there was a child....this is the life of a root aphid. You may want to use tanglefoot and/or petroleum jelly to catch them in the goo.