3 sun leafs and 3 top leafs on sprouting??


Active Member
Thanks Black! Its coming along nicely, I have it on a 18/6 schedule but Im thinking about going to a 20/4. I might not tho, because heat levels are getting a little high in there, Ive had to leave the closet doors and the room door open all to get under 90 degrees today. Its 82 in my house with no a/c, so there isnt much I can do at the moment. Tho Ive got a fan directing air into the room from a window that has me down to 85. At least the humidity is ok at around 50%


:leaf:just seen this, i have one at about 14 days that looks exactly the same, with the three leafs or whatever. After reading this i feel special. lol:leaf:


Active Member
Sweet, let me know how it goes. Do you have a thread, or you can just jump in on mine if youd like.

My link is above your post