16pot Dwc Lemon Haze


Well-Known Member
Been a while since I've been on here but back with a new crop.

16 lemon haze. They took a life time to root in the cloner and a life time to come out of the net pots but now they are loving life and really exploded. (Hence the different sizes)

I messed up and vegged them a bit too much but I started flower today... going to get a bit out of hand in size I think.

Anyways will post weekly updates.



Well-Known Member
IMG_6057.JPG IMG_6058.JPG IMG_6059.JPG IMG_6057.JPG IMG_6058.JPG IMG_6059.JPG IMG_6060.JPG IMG_6061.JPG Coming to the end of week 1 flower. Bumped the EC up to 2.0 they liked it down to 1.8 but then it creeped up a bit.

Res change this weekend, probably going to run a 1.6ec and see how I get on.