12/12 to flower?


Well-Known Member
yes a lot of plant get pre-flower, this is flowering while its in veggetative growth.. on my bubble set up, it takes 4 days max... for soil it can yes up 3 but should within 2 weeks. really depends on the strain and your setup. if you got a plant growing fast, you can expect i fast show. slow growing plants can show fast but usually dont. on my 12/12 from seed they show their sex within the first 3 weeks of life


Active Member
I vegged 3 seeds, 2 were male and 1 was female, the 2 males took 7 days to show sex, the female took 12 days. On my second grow, I had one plant, it showed female 2 days into 12/12. So, I would say anywhere from 2 to 20 days, most likely it will show in about a week.