10 days old, is it doing ok?


Seem to be doing fine.

The stem looks a little thin - have you got a moving fan trained on your plants yet?

That might be of help!

grow space

Well-Known Member
yea...looks fine...
Make sure that the fan u put there if ya put there, then make sure it does not blow too hard on the lil plant...Start off nice and eaasy.....:hump:



Active Member
I am a little concerned about the stem thickness as well, part of the reason I posted here to check with you guys. I do have a small oscillating fan on it.


Active Member
Looks good so far. what is your current set-up?

right now its the standard two types of fluorescent (cool white and warm white, cant remember the numbers on them right now) with a aquarium water heater and oxygen stone in the water tank, dehumidifier, space heater and oscillating fan. I have a 400watt hps set up for the flowering room for after I clone and such.

veg room

There is not enough room in the flowering room for me to back off and get a picture of it but here is the light.



oh, man, i was gonna say more than that! doh!

i was reading somewhere the other day that its the bottom inch of the r/w cool that dries out the most. so if the top of the cube is drying out the bottom probably already is dry. Its common sense but its worth keeping in mind.

Dry is good for plants, but not for too long. the roots crave water!! and i just think your cubes look fairly dry (that could be because they are different to the ones i know of though!)

just trying to help mate

ps: i think your plants are going do just fine!


Active Member
Any advice is helpful sir, thank you! When I get home from work I will check the cubes to see how wet they are, maybe they need more then 1 hour of water 3 times a day?


i dont want to confuse you either. i think your watering sounds about right for that age, but you may - like me this weekend - be suprised just how quickly roots can grow!!


Active Member
. i think your watering sounds about right for that age,

For that age? I had intended to do a 1 hour watering 3 times a day for my entire grow, both veg using a drip system, and flowering using a ebb and flow system. Is that not the best way to do it?