Seed Storage


Well-Known Member
Sub I was wondering if you had any particular method for storing seeds? I just ordered Apollo 13 BX, Jillybean, and Querkle (finally, thank you sub/god/the attitude) and I will only be growing one strain at a time so how should I preserve the rest?

I was told to put the seeds in a small tupperware with basmati rice which helps control the moisture and put them in the fridge. I plan on growing one strain out as soon as the previous one is finished.


Active Member
I don't think storing with rice is a good idea. It dose not work as people think it dose.
The thing to try to keep in mind is to keep the humidity away, store in dark place where the temperature doesn't fluctuate to much or to quickly and cool is good to ( no excessive heat).
If you can use one of the moisture barrels found in aspirin bottles and vacuum it with the seeds. If you want to store in the refrigerator it's OK just remember to let the seed come to room temp before opening them or they will all get condensation on them which is bad.

Good luck. Should be able to store them for at least 5 years this way or longer.