White Lady


Well-Known Member
Has anybody grown White Lady before?

Any comments on yield, strength and how hard or easy it is to grow indoors?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Wow, this thread is old as dirt but people need to know. White Lady deserves some serious props!

Yield: I had two plants, 55" and 51". Harvest dry weights were 118g and 97g. 400 watt HPS used to flower.

Flowering time: 68-74 days

Strength/Potency: Very long lasting cerebral high. You know, that "swimming" feeling. Good for any occasion.

Taste: Hard to describe. Very clean and fresh. Not "veggie" or "grassy" fresh but a combination of mild pine and skunky tastes makes for a very pleasant smoke.

Difficulty growing indoors: Very easy. Most of the pics below are from my first grow ever. I had no idea what I was doing. This strain will consume more acid late in flower so monitor the ph of feed water and runoff throughout the grow.

These are the clones of my first two plants. They are at day 55 flower. You can see this strain has even greater potential with an experienced grower.

HIGHLY recommended!!!

Any comments or questions are encouraged and appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Is that the same strain as Dame Blanche? I have a little few week old Dame Blanche growing from seed.
The reason I ask is because Dame Blanche actually means White Lady in french.
By the looks of those plants you posted photos of I sure hope it's the same strain :)

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Thanks for reading, everyone! This strain is from Sativa Seedbank. I got it through drchronic.com. That was 6 months ago but it seems they still have it available. Here's the link Sativa Seeds-White Lady I only got it because it was cheap and I didn't want to spend big $ on genetics for my first grow. I'm thinking about offering them some better pictures for some free seeds:bigjoint: No wonder it isn't a very popular strain. Their picture on drchronic sucks IMO.

I wish mj laws were different where I live. I would send clones far and wide to anyone who wanted them. Some day, hopefully sooner rather than later it will be reality.

That's very interesting about the Dame Blanche. I'm happy you shared that as I had never heard of it. I googled it and it looks like a Flying Dutchman strain that's a cross between White Widow x Skunk/Northern Lights hybrid. I doubt it is the same as mine, being from a different bank and all. Also the flowering time is much shorter for the Dame Blanche and my seeds were not feminised. But the part about flowering a small plant and it finishing a meter in height is true about White Lady. It will double in height in the first three weeks of flower. Do you have a grow journal for your Dame Blanche? I got loads of help from my journal on this site. I would like to follow along and see how similar to mine your plants turn out.


Well-Known Member
Ah awesome,

Well I don't havea journal yet, my Dame Blanche actually just STOPPED growing completely about a week or two ago. It's pissing me off.
It just grew a finger's length then stopped all signs of growing.
Not sure if it'll continue or not.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
For a plant to stop growing completely is very bad. With this kind of plant, if it is not growing it is dying. Most common problems for plants to stop growing is too much heat or ph imbalance. If you share more about your setup or describe more what your plants look like (strange colors/spots), I might be able to help you. Do you have proper temperature control and ventilation? Do you test your water's ph before you give it to the plants? If you have a recent picture that would be even more helpful. I'm getting pretty good at looking at a sick leaf and recognizing the problem. Don't worry, nobody has a perfect first grow. I had my share of problems too. As long as you can get the plants healthy before putting them into flower, you should be fine.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Sweet, man. I still have White Lady in my garden. You might want to put some more light on that little one you have there. You don't want it growing taller when it's that young. You want the leaves to be getting bigger. But yea it's a great strain to start with IMO.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I've got nearly 5 oz off a 4.5 ft tall plant. Check out this monster cola.

More WL pics

Is your 100watt light a CFL? (The curly bulbs) If so is it 100 actual watts or just the equivalent? If it is 100 watt equivalent you will want 2-3 bulbs at least for veg and even more for flower. Also you want to keep the bulb no more than 3 inches from the plant with a steady breeze blowing on it.


Well-Known Member
i cant keep my fan on during the night because its loud but do u think it will be ok with it on just during the day?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You really should have a fan all the time. CFLs don't get very hot but air circulation is good for the plants in other ways. You can use a small and quiet fan if you want to.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Depends if it gets too hot. Over 85F and growth will slow down. A breeze also blows away the Oxygen rich air produced by the leaves' respiration and replaces it with fresh CO2. Another advantage is it helps to strengthen your stems.