anyone heard of these new strains?purple snow, purple tragic, per-ponic, orangebud2


Well-Known Member
My buddy I grow with that works at the club gave me a bunch of clones that i have never heard of and cant find any info on, they are purple snow, purple tragic(purple, trainwreck and magic i was told, never heard of magic), orange bud2, per-ponic. they also had shit called xxx and simper fi.

are these even real strains, or just some grower cashing in on the club market with his clones?

any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

*edit, another straind that i got was called purple elaphant, anyone heard of that one?


Active Member
sound like some grower breeding strains i havent herd of any big company selling those dont forget to taake picture i want to seee how the bud looks


Well-Known Member
yeah, i wouldnt buy the clones or anything without knowing what they were, but for free i figured, fuck it. I just remembered another strains that I got that is supposed to be super good, its called purple elaphant, i'd never heard of it but the people at the club said it was the bombest shit they every had for sale.


Well-Known Member
Purple snow happens to be one of the many strains I've been hanging on to. It's a cross between Purple Urkle and Snowcap. It's a deep purple that comes out extremely frosty. It does really well outdoors. Great for beginners, too.