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  1. H

    My First Grow "Hydro" + Grow Tent

    is that an aeroponic cloner the way to determine how well your plant is doing is by looking at the root system. the bigger the better.
  2. H

    "First Grow" issues

    I`d cut that miracle grow with some more perlite to help with drainage. MG soil is pretty hot maybe you should get some plain peat like maybe 2 bags to 1 of miracle gro. And then like around 30-40% perlite and some dolomite lime. Hope this helps.
  3. H

    hps ?

    if you're in USA here`s a 150w HPS for 20 bucks. That thing`s going to put out a bit of heat so you`re going to need some fans to exhaust the hot air around the lamp. so you put the fan blowing out of...
  4. H

    over/under watering

    Ya your plants seem fine to me. Just keep doing what you're doing.
  5. H

    flowering clones

    you can go straight into flowering after the root system has developed. like maybe a week.
  6. H

    1st Grow, How does it look?

    looks healthy. whats your soil mix?
  7. H

    cloning after harvest or reveg?

    I tried taking clones before harvesting and it didn't work out. It failed the re-veg too. So I lost those genetics. It's not impossible though!
  8. H

    over/under watering

    You will be able to tell by looking at the roots. take pictures of the roots on the affected plants, also show pictures of affected plants plant structure. There is differences in the way the plant looks in over and/or under watering.
  9. H

    hps ?

    which do you think would be easiest for you? there ya go you got your answer
  10. H

    Dont know what to do

    get the miracle grow AND a bag of some coconut shit(its coir) AND a bag of perlite (look or ask for it) mix it all together realy good and then bingo bang o a kickass soiless mix. YOU WONT EVEN NEED EXPENSIVE NUTRIENTS TIL YOUR 6TH WEEK.
  11. H

    what do u think of my micro grow? (pics)

    oh man this is giving me so many great ideas!
  12. H

    What strains have the largest buds??

    ak47 always stuck out in my head as one of the fattest producers.
  13. H

    How to plant (Need Help Fast)

    Do it before it's too late. :P
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    liquid karma can help with stress.
  15. H

    Can you recommend a good nute mix???

    I'd say follow the directions on the bottle and back off if they don't respond well. Basically, experiment and learn.
  16. H

    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp.... Whats happenned?!

    maybe you can take clones?
  17. H

    How can I help my baby stand up on her own??

    You can put a measuring stick in the ground, maybe like a wooden dowel or something and then just use some twist ties or what not to hold it up. Anyways, beef up your lighting. If you're using CFLs try to double how much usable light you have. And move them in as close as possible to the plant...
  18. H

    soil from diy store

    The soil you bought should be fine, here's what I would do though. Buy a equal size portion of pro-mix, sunshine mix, canadian sphagum peat moss, (whatever you want to call it.) Then mix the 2 bags together for even consistency. Now get a big bag of regulaur perlite and mix that in there. You...
  19. H

    first grow using cfls

    what kind of soil are you using? I hope you added perlite and dolomite lime. Two essentials if you ask me.
  20. H

    need a lil help please ( electrical )

    When I used a 150w security light to grow I used some of those plastic cap things then what you do is you put both exposed wires that you want to attach in there. and twist and its all done. Used electrical tape for good measure. Worked out fine, but perhaps maybe the seller could help you with...