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  1. D

    Low Stress Training (LST) Guide

    That's a hell of a way to butcher your plant lol You probably cut your harvest in half by that. That thing didn't fill out at all for being LSD.... because you chopped all your all your leaf off so the plant can't process or transport sugars properly. That is not pruning..... that's a total hack...
  2. D

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I feel ya..... it's dancing that fine line of trying optimize yield without sacrificing the quality. Yeah my bad I think threw a screw ball into this thread.... I'll try to make a thread on growing low. Finishing week 3.
  3. D

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I've been doing this Lol I don't think you understand the concept at all. What I do obviously isn't scrogging so I'll just have to make a different thread. Scrogging is just the closest thing I have found to how I have grown most of my life..... but still far from what I do. Keep on the grind...
  4. D

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Found the slide. Kinda interesting. They used aphids to test translocation. You mean YOU can't keep up lol You get out what you put in. Don't grow more than you can keep up with maybe lol and don't crowd your grow...
  5. D

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Your not gonna be able to anchor it alone with the leaf stems. But do it where ever possible to maximize penetration while retaining an adequate amount of sunleaves to keep up with photosynthesis and processing sugars. Also about translocation. Your leaves change the sugars they process and...
  6. D

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Here is a little weaving earlier in veg.
  7. D

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    It's kinda tricky to get in there and get a shot but you can see a little of what I'm talking about. I like to tie both sum leaves sets down or else one will still try to shoot up.... or sometimes pulling it down by the opposite sun leave to get it to twist the way you want. Just...
  8. D

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I understand the theory but your preventing apical dominance not spreading it. Apical dominance is when 1 or usually the center stalk dominates over the other branches which is everything your trying to prevent in scogging not spread. I'm telling you.... you guys are wasting time and space...
  9. D

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I keep my "net" on top of the pot below the plant and just tie her down as she goes.... actually I don't use netting at all... I use fencing.... light gauge metal fencing with around 2" squares works best (but I'm trying some plastic fencing in the pics.... too much flexibility in my opinion...