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  1. Lil'Autoboy420

    Distance for 1800w led? "KingplusLED"

    Thanks man didn't know that, im jus going off what it says helps to learn something knew
  2. Lil'Autoboy420

    Distance for 1800w led? "KingplusLED"

    Koo thanks for the advice helps alot.
  3. Lil'Autoboy420

    Distance for 1800w led? "KingplusLED"

    Thanks man I'll keep close eyes on these
  4. Lil'Autoboy420

    Distance for 1800w led? "KingplusLED"

    Their 4weeks from sprouted, and tangerine dream autos
  5. Lil'Autoboy420

    Distance for 1800w led? "KingplusLED"

    How far should my 1800 watt led cheap Chinese led "kingplus"light be?? Jus wondering dont wanna hurt my girls. Thanks alot
  6. Lil'Autoboy420

    Best auto organic mix "soil"

    Was wondering whats a good proven mix for autos. Ive heard of alot but i wanna here from someones perspective who's done it and was 100% satisfied!! Thnks alot.