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  1. GoatSoup

    The Coming Recession! Every cop show from the past 30 years taught us a few things: Never negotiate with terrorists, don't give in to blackmailers because they'll only come back for more, and most women officers are...
  2. GoatSoup

    Blowing Trump's Whistle

    GOP's witnesses admit it was TFG;s whstle they were blowing!
  3. GoatSoup

    Whistle Blowers blows off GQP!

    GQP is blown, and not is good way!
  4. GoatSoup

    Killing the Middle Class!

    Herein he talks about California, but it's happeniing all over!
  5. GoatSoup

    "Proud Boys" face the music!

  6. GoatSoup

    Meatball Ron to Smashed burger Ronald

  7. GoatSoup

    At last False Electors Squeezed!

    Fannie puts the screws to Repugnicans! Lawyers being dicks! DOJ lets State DA's do the work? WHy isn't the DOJ doing the same to LL the False Electors, now?
  8. GoatSoup

    Repugnicans in Disarray!

    Dump and De Santimonious launching barbs!
  9. GoatSoup

    GOP to GQP?

    Steve Schmidt reveals who is responsible for the degradation of the Republican party | The Warning
  10. GoatSoup

    "Gym" met his match!

    BREAKING: Manhattan DA Bragg sues Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan Alvin don't put up with no shit from idiots!
  11. GoatSoup

    Justice Thomas CAUGHT in MILLION DOLLAR Criminal Fraud

    Thomas making money from MAGAts!
  12. GoatSoup

    Donnie boy Pleads the 5th!

    BREAKING: Trump INVOKES THE FIFTH AMENDMENT in New York AG Deposition Watch and laugh!
  13. GoatSoup

    I's Time to Talk about Merrick Garland!

    Yesterday the news broke that Garland told all DOJ people not to seem political and reinforced a Bill Barr policy of having to have Top Approval for any investigation or prosecution of a political Candidate in an election year? FOr Weeks I have been calling him #Gutless Garland for his glacial...
  14. GoatSoup

    Lawrence: ‘The Texas Coverup Is Collapsing’

    Oopsi. Lawrence: ‘The Texas Coverup Is Collapsing’ Citizens hold their pols accountable, Pols fold and get with the program.:D
  15. GoatSoup

    Hanging or Fireing Squad?

    What should we do with the Seditionists? Hanging is traditional, but shooting squads are more impactful? I advocate lining the, Moe Brooks, Ted Cruz, et al, and yes the Orange MENACE up amd start shooting them one by one with Fat Donald the last inline so he can watch all hs henchmen die...
  16. GoatSoup

    Why can't I grow Ass kicking weed?

    For over ten years I have tried to grow weed indoors. But every time I get blah weed. No high, just a calming sensation with no kick??? I've been running a modified Stink Bud system, but I had a slow growing Durban Poison auto, that I put in soil this last winter, it is still going after over...
  17. GoatSoup

    Garland is Afraid of losing, so does Nothing!

    What does it take to get Garland off his ass? J6 Committee AND Federal Judges Conclude Trump Committed Crimes. How about DOJ Makes it Unanimous?
  18. GoatSoup

    "Oh, So It’s Just Bulls*it"

    The background of International Investment Fuckery! Russel Brand's take on the news.
  19. GoatSoup

    Additional Fuckery!

    Dark Money, stained with oil, pours in to distort our Democracy!