Search results

  1. budfox9

    Karma Bitch

    Looking for some good quality Karma Bitch seeds for my next grow. Any suggestions on which site carries some quality seeds would be appreciated.
  2. budfox9

    Possible Zinc Deficiency

    Growing in high quality soil, week 2 of flower with distilled water. I know that you can get the issue with too high of a PH so i will starting using some more ph down, but in the mean time are there any good supplements i can use to get her back on track? Thank you for any help!
  3. budfox9

    phosphorus and watering

    Hello, Im in the 3rd week of flower with bluedream grow. Noob question for you. Right now im watering 3 times a week. Do i include phosphorus on every watering or should i add every other? Im growing in soil obviously. Thanks for the help!
  4. budfox9

    Found him near my plants. Anyone know what it is.

    Did a reverse search of the image, but i'm still unclear if i need to be concerned. Thank you for any help