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  1. V

    Do I need to dry/cure if I will be making butter with my harvest?

    Sounds good, Thanks for the response :)
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    Do I need to dry/cure if I will be making butter with my harvest?

    Title says it all. I'm harvesting next week and plan on cooking all of it. Do I need to dry and cure it?
  3. V

    Whats wrong?

    So is it normal for them to start decaying from the middle of or inward part of the leaf? (like in the first and fourth picture) Strain is unknown, just a bagseed. Sativa dominant. I thought of potentially buying a light and bringing her inside. I might do that. Thanks for the help.
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    Whats wrong?

    Hi all, I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my girl. The spot where she's growing is on our balcony and unfortunately as the summer has ended she's no longer getting any direct sunlight and I don't have anywhere to move her too. So I'm wondering are the symptoms I'm seeing just from...
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    Southeast Growers

    I feel you man. I'm in Broward and just hoping she'll been fine. I just got one girl in a 5gal smart pot so im gunna just bring her inside, but she may be in the dark for a few days, hopefully not too long. Anyways stay safe out there and good luck. Peace.
  6. V

    White stuff on leaves? fungus?

    I'm thinking woolly aphids or cast skins of aphids might be the winner. I'm gunna do some searching when I get home and see what I find. Thanks again everyone. PS: the white spots on the bottom leaves are from a while back when my girlfriend sprayed with baking soda mixture That was too...
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    White stuff on leaves? fungus?

    Thanks for the responses everyone. In terms of care I'm not foliage feeding only giving FF big bloom every other watering. She's in amended composted soil and has needed very little fertilizer throughout. Im in south Florida so humidity is very high and it rains often, however she does not get...
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    White stuff on leaves? fungus?

    Ok so I looked some more today. Definitely not mites. Here's a pic of it on my money tree and on my finger. Anyone have any ideas?
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    White stuff on leaves? fungus?

    here's a few more pics
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    White stuff on leaves? fungus?

    i really think its coincidence that the second pic looks like a mite. Do mites not move? Cuz these definitely arent moving.
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    White stuff on leaves? fungus?

    Hi all, first post here. This is my first grow and so far everything's gone well. Im growing outdoor (South Florida) and she's just starting to flower. I'm noticing these little white things keep appearing on her leaves. They blow off quite easily, or I take it off with my finger. But by the...