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  1. Bestg4202

    Ethos Seeds

    Y How was the smoke with this? Cuz it looks kinda fox tailed out...I might just be trippin tho so I thought I'd double check how she smoked if you got the time do drop a line I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
  2. Bestg4202

    New cob light power cord melting!!

    Thanks man! I contacted HLG and they said 16awg is preferred but that 18 would be fine. The thing that's worrying me is that the cord that melted was 18....but ut was very flimsy feeling. An hour ago I used another 18awg that came with one of my Chinese blurples lights and started at 40% for 10...
  3. Bestg4202

    New cob light power cord melting!!

    It's one driver per cob. So 9. And ya I'm really curious about why he switched the cord as well but he never responded to that particular question .
  4. Bestg4202

    New cob light power cord melting!!

    It was the whole wire....that point of contact pressure was just where it was actually catching fire. When I reach to try and unplug it, it burnt the crap out of me...I have a nice blister from it just now healing.
  5. Bestg4202

    New cob light power cord melting!!

    Thanks for your help. The seller said that he'll send me a different cord and he tried to convince me that the only difference between different cords is the amount of insulation....that's incorrect right? More insulation does NOTHING to change the amount n if why the f*** would...
  6. Bestg4202

    New cob light power cord melting!!

    I agree...If I knew that he actually bought the light for the purpose of resell I'd be extremely pissed off. But from what he says he bought it to grow with and ended up not being able to use it. I still don't understand why he switched out the power cord though if that was the case. Because who...
  7. Bestg4202

    New cob light power cord melting!!

    Ya they've been great so far. I've actually asked them like 6-8 questions and they were a great help. They have awesome customer service to be dealing with some dude who bought one of there products 2nd hand. I did email em about the cord too just to ask em for recommendations. And the previous...
  8. Bestg4202

    New cob light power cord melting!!

    Wow I sure b hope your right! This is stressing me out. I keep thinking what if I would've left. My poor girls would've burned to death in the wrong way!! Haha. No seriously tho I can't even start to contemplate my house burning down. Ugh.
  9. Bestg4202

    New cob light power cord melting!!

    Here's a picture of the melted spot of the cord and the light. Though the entire cord was melting. I believe that if it had been left on for another minute the entire cord would have melted.
  10. Bestg4202

    New cob light power cord melting!!

    Hi all I'm in dire need of help.I have finally got my first cob light, it's a johnson grow light cx-9 (Johnson Grow Lights is now Horticulture Lighting Group...I'm sure many of you are familiar with them) It is a 9 cob cxa3070 light. I bought it used off eBay and it cane with 2 replacement fans...
  11. Bestg4202

    Why do some want high CRI?

    Im about to purchase new lights and it's down to 3 choices...2 are Vero 29's so that graph with the Vero 29"s caught my attention. But I don't have any other vero29 graphs to compare it too. Is there someplace to find that kind of info?
  12. Bestg4202

    Why do some want high CRI?

    Hi I know this is old....but if your still around I was curious if this graph is an accurate comparison ,in terms of spectral photon flux, to the 1st one posted a few posts back where you were displaying the difference in spectral distribution. I only ask because this would show the Vero as...
  13. Bestg4202

    Seed cellar

    It's SO fortunate that was the only reply to your thread considering how completely and totally useful it was! YES! Thank the gods for THAT GUY! Anyways I to just came across this site and thus found this thread trying to find out what was up wit them. I was wondering if you ever ordered from...
  14. Bestg4202

    Light ???

    Ya it's has some version of a cob...I'm assuming it could even be a knockoff cree cxb...but who knows. That's why I'm not wasting money on it because....who knows? Lol. You can check it out tho it looks nice. And 350 is good no matter what but I just wanna make the next light I buy is gonna do...
  15. Bestg4202

    Light ???

    Ya I that def seems the best route. And I like the idea of being able to customize it to exactly how I want it. But if that deal had been real???!! Holy plants that'd be amazing. 54 cxb's for 350 bucks!!? Haha. Could built a whole sh**ton of lights with those. Lol
  16. Bestg4202

    Light ???

    Btw everyone can disregard my previous question about the grow light for sale...I figured out that the light in question is most likely fake. It's called raptor led and it's currently on sale for 350 on ebay. And since it would cost over $1k for the chips alone I don't believe it uses real cree...
  17. Bestg4202

    Light ???

    Really? Do you know why by any chance? Because cobs are amazing lights from everything I've seen. I can't think of any downside at all actually...I personally wish they were a little cheaper but they are by no means expensive for what you get. I just don't have a lot of spare monies. Lol.
  18. Bestg4202

    Need help understanding cob led setup PLEASE.

    Yes your most likely right. I've been emailing back and forth with the co. and he said he no longer gives out specific part info because of people asking for all the info just to build there own. I replied that I could never afford to buy 54 cxb3590's and am now waiting on a reply. I've decided...
  19. Bestg4202

    Need help understanding cob led setup PLEASE.

    Who has that cheap of setups? I'll try looking at the cob kits place you posted because I might not have been to that one but I've pretty much searched every place I could find for countless hours. Lol
  20. Bestg4202

    Need help understanding cob led setup PLEASE.

    Really? 350 dollars for a full 360w cree setup? I haven't seen that....and if this is true I'd have 54 cxbs...that alone would cost more wouldn't it? It's probably not legit. But I don't do anything on assumptions .