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  1. skynetislive

    Stealth Auto Grow

    I Havnt had the most experience in the world but could be too much nutrients?. I'm on the train but have a good book at home Jorges Cervantes indoor majiuana grow bible and it shows pictures of all the different leaf problems that you can get. Look for a pdf copy online. Sorry I couldn't be of...
  2. skynetislive

    Do I really need nutrients.

    Carbon filter all the way no matter what the plant feeds on. You can get sheets of the stuff from diy shops for bbqs so can make something up?
  3. skynetislive

    LED Grow - Northern Lights Auto -

    I am doing something similar for the first time in a small cupboard and so my biggest problem is whether to do two good size pots or five small pots i.e. what would be more productive. My point is, I think the most important thing is to just do it and learn from experience, too many people worry...
  4. skynetislive

    Stealth Auto Grow

    Hi, nice setup for such a small place. I reckon you could do more with a bigger light as long as you keep it low but I Havnt seen the end result yet so you may not have room. I have something similar but just slightly taller, 1st time doing a small one so am hoping it yields at least 1.5oz each...