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  1. N

    Girl Scout Cookies, Cali Connection, or BC Bud Depot?

    I've called this a platinum cookie for three years now. Got it mislabeled from a man of African descent I found on Craigslist. He gave me blackberry kush and platinum cookie. The PC sucked and the BBK was awesome. I threw the PC away. It got suspicious about a year later.
  2. N

    In House Genetics Thread

    Males don't have nanners. Males have a different form of an anther. Nanners are specious staminate flowers and in no way show signs of deleterious hermaphrodism. If there's no Y chromosome they can't be a hermie. Y chromosomes don't just show up. They're there at seed. That's why feminized seeds...
  3. N

    In House Genetics Thread

    Im willing to bet I have more experience than most of you guys and define tly grow better flowers than you. I've judged cups, learned from the best, get all my flowers tested and provide consultation to one of my good friends who has won multiple cups. He even took second place behind soma in...
  4. N

    In House Genetics Thread

    I provided a link. It explains the science behind it. That's all I can do. To not acknowledge the link or provide a counter displays intelligence levels. It has been documented for hundreds of years. Botonists are aware that a female anther does exist and so does intelligent beings who do proper...
  5. N

    In House Genetics Thread

    Nanners don't even resemble balls. They look like bananas. Hence "nanner"!
  6. N

    In House Genetics Thread

    Nanners are a female part. They don't have any male in them therefore they are not a hermie. If you think a nanner means it's a hermie than a female would be a very rare sight. 1/2000 or 3000 seeds produced from male pollen are hermies. If you think that nanners are hermies than 1/5000+ are what...
  7. N

    In House Genetics Thread

    Y'all need to stop calling them hermies. Hermies are very rare. A majority of the industry is incorrect with their hermie labeling. A hermie is from seed. Two x chromosomes is a female. The Y chromosome doesn't just appear out of no where. They're just making nanners from stress and the genetics...