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  1. L

    Toronto Area Support

    I've heard rumours about places like that, but I wasn't sure where to go so I thought someone here maybe able to help.
  2. L

    Toronto Area Support

    I left doctor about 3 years ago since I've moved out of the area. I have another one now but I've seen him once last year because of my pain. He assumed I was looking for a prescription for pain killers but I was not, needles to say I don't like the way he assumed that I was trying to use him...
  3. L

    Toronto Area Support

    Yes, I have several issues that I have found are easier to cope with with the use of cannabis.
  4. L

    Toronto Area Support

    I'm looking for a doctor/clinic in the Toronto area. I've googled some but the reviews are hit and miss. What does it take to get a medical card, is there a guide or a thread someone could reference?