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  1. putdust

    is this a hermie?

    if so, what should i do with it? Thanks
  2. putdust

    unhealthy leaves problem

    any ideas whats wrong? growing with 600W LED kept a good distance from tops of plant, and a circulating fan. water ph'd to 6.3-6.4 whenever soil feels dry. not sure what the humidity is like as i don't have a humidity measure. Same with temperature, but i doubt its over 32C, as the door is...
  3. putdust

    help identifying leaf issues

    Recently i've noticed a few scattered leaves displaying signs of deficiencies/over-nutrients. This is my first grow, and although ive looked online i cant pinpoint it to one problem. Can anyone tell me whats wrong from the photos, and what i need to change to fix it. The two plants have just...
  4. putdust

    Growth during flowering

    Im trying to plan when to start flowering 2 northern lights plants. The only issue is that i haven't found much info on how much they grow during flowering. Im using 600W HPS, very little nutes NPK 18-9-26. Does anyone have an idea on how large their expected to be by harvest from the photos?
  5. putdust

    Spotted Leaves

    I'm new to growing, and i've looked online to try match my problem with one thats already been answered, but i didn't want to mess something up just because i wasn't sure. Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this plant? Thanks
  6. putdust

    Seedling Problems

    My plant had been germinating for 3 days before i put it in the soil. It was growing in the soil for about 4 days, and i decided to take the seed shell off. Now, a few hours later the bottom leaf seems to be in pretty bad shape. What should i do?