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  1. doctor G

    ttystikk's hydro technique.

    Read this, no problems with salt build up. The gel is amazing, you can with water with salinity up to that of seawater. ( not that I would LOL but read the article) You should see the outdoor plants you can grow without visiting them f#ck all
  2. doctor G

    ttystikk's hydro technique.

    Hi fellow growers, hope Im not butting In, have a great easy way to that I've developed out of necessity. Get a polypropylene shopping bag (the fabric shopping bags usually$1 at grocery store checkouts) Put a nappy (diaper) In the bottom of the bag. Now fill bag with 70%sand 30%soil dryleaves...
  3. doctor G

    Doctor G barebulb horizontal vertical new way to grow

    So back on track, minimum 12lb dry bagged nug. From 6 x 600w hps, using shopping bags(polypropylene) with 1 nappy placed in the bottom of each bag. All bags sit next to each other in a large tray (made from panda film or pond liner) Water the tray not the bags. Results are hydro not soil.
  4. doctor G

    Doctor G barebulb horizontal vertical new way to grow

    No, why can't you reach 2lb per 600 yet?
  5. doctor G

    Doctor G barebulb horizontal vertical new way to grow

    Clue 2, polypropylene shopping bags
  6. doctor G

    Doctor G barebulb horizontal vertical new way to grow

    Clue 1,Nappies are involved
  7. doctor G

    Doctor G barebulb horizontal vertical new way to grow

    Those are both roto grow machines. This is not. No machine, All organic.
  8. doctor G

    Doctor G barebulb horizontal vertical new way to grow

    No pics till someone figures it out. What's is Doctor G up to this time? What does he mean? Interested yet? 12 to 18 pound from 6 x 600w. 2lb per 600w minimum. Interested now?
  9. doctor G

    Doctor G barebulb horizontal vertical new way to grow

    That's right, barebulbs hung horizontally, growing plants flat and vert. The future is here.
  10. doctor G

    Aussie outdoor giant trees 20 ft+

    Love mussels all shellfish and fishing gotta get back out
  11. doctor G

    Aussie outdoor giant trees 20 ft+

    I Faaark mate that would make ya cry ever tried an outdoor scrog
  12. doctor G

    Aussie outdoor giant trees 20 ft+

    Trying to fly under that radar
  13. doctor G

    Aussie outdoor giant trees 20 ft+

    You in Sa mate go guerila grow need good sativa seeds that grow up up up and don't top or tie down let the plant just go mate. Gogo juice, seasol. Searles 5 in1 all mixed into your hole with a kilo of fish, eggshells, burnt gumtree coals, bannana peels, apples, pears thats been composted ...
  14. doctor G

    Aussie outdoor giant trees 20 ft+

    Hahahahaha fuck I love it here Hahahahaha classic people. Wombats ,roos ,giant ,goannas ,Like 1.5 m long, koalas, snakes including both venemous and also python e.g. Aussie scrubb python (anaconda size) giant Fucking rats ridiculously large spiders and small ones too, you name it there all...
  15. doctor G

    Has anyone ever used OVERDRIVE by Advanced Nutrients?

    This in response to phosphoload comment, overdrive does not contain any of these dangerous ingredients and in my opinion works fine.
  16. doctor G

    Has anyone ever used OVERDRIVE by Advanced Nutrients?

    An no prob's at all only products that contain pacalobutrazol must be avoided at all costs. It stops the stretch, hinders gibberelic acid production and in turn trichrome production which in turn yep you guessed it, lowers thc. We are growing the weed for the thc. And cbd blah blah blah...
  17. doctor G

    Has anyone ever used OVERDRIVE by Advanced Nutrients?

    Shit info, the ingredient is paclobutrazol and it is a carcinogen and it hinders trichrome development, it's for cash croppers that aren't going to smoke thier own. Please hand out the correct information or none at all noobs get confused
  18. doctor G

    Aussie outdoor giant trees 20 ft+

    Some of the shit I see