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  1. gzy575


    Stems snapped to dry trim looked lime green but when I put in jar to cure buds got soft and dark green
  2. gzy575

    Rain during Flowering

    I'm in week 6 outta of 10 on flowering we have some rain coming for 3 days what should I do??
  3. gzy575

    Outdoor Gorilla Bomb 7ft

    Gorilla Bomb And Chocalate Mint OG Week 4 of flower how much am am I gna yield?
  4. gzy575

    Plants are Stayin same size

    P My plants are same size I feel like something might be wrong with em i switched from a 5 gallon hydroponics system to a 20 system some leaves on bottom are dying and falling off is that normal? I'm using rock nutrients
  5. gzy575


    Can I have my post deleted on the grow room forum please no problem just would like deleted please and thank you