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  1. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Biden won

    Biden WON, agent Orange lost get over it bitches!
  2. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Goodbye Steve King, and Fuck You

    c 'ya you piece of shit!!!!
  3. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Stephen Miller's wife has the coronavirus

    tell it to someone who gives a shit cause I don't.
  4. Blunted 4 lyfe

    You wanted a reality TV president, congratulations you're now a contestant on 'Survivor'!!

    I've heard so much about how if Trump refused to leave how the secret service would step in and physically carry Trump out on his ass but I'm most afraid that his sicophants will not allow a peaceful transition to occur.
  5. Blunted 4 lyfe

    You wanted a reality TV president, congratulations you're now a contestant on 'Survivor'!!

    This POS has blood on his hands, vote this clown out of office come November but will he leave peacefullyI doubt it he is a vindictive man child he will do something major just to be spiteful. Your thoughts.
  6. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Trump trashes Iran nuclear accord

    Nope there are many areas on the Island that still have no power my folks in “El Junque” are without power but they have solar panels.
  7. Blunted 4 lyfe

    HUD: Let Them Eat Cake

    Not my thing no sci fi no horror for me.
  8. Blunted 4 lyfe

    HUD: Let Them Eat Cake

  9. Blunted 4 lyfe

    HUD: Let Them Eat Cake

    On the contrary, there is no country in the world that allowed me the opportunity to come back from that and retire from a great job w/pension have beautiful home, Wife, kids, Grandchildren etc...that was a dark period of my life i’m Just glad I can look back at how things were I could’ve been...
  10. Blunted 4 lyfe

    HUD: Let Them Eat Cake

    Manslaugter, I was a kid involved with gangs (Savage Skulls)
  11. Blunted 4 lyfe

    HUD: Let Them Eat Cake

    Sing Sing is nothing but a shithole that was my last stop before I came home in 79’ was there 11 months started my bit at Elmira, Coxsackie, Attica, Downstate and Finally Sing Sing, I made a whopping $3.50 a day in craft shop pretty good for prison work enuff for commisarry. Cigarettes were...
  12. Blunted 4 lyfe

    HUD: Let Them Eat Cake

    There was a time when all state offices were furnished by furniture made by inmates (CorCraft) when I was in Sing Sing I was in the Craft shop making furniture for ALL State offices I wonder if the feds have that kind of set up they should, hell they still make all license plates in state prison.
  13. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Trump cuts Food Stamps

    In most cities where some apartments are the size of a shoebox dedicating a closet or two to grow crops for a family of 4 is not gonna happen, man you have no idea ‘bout living in a big city.
  14. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Trump cuts Food Stamps

    All my life I was taught the FBI and CIA was good and Russia was bad now with this cocksucker in office he’s got his minions thinking the opposite and trying to convince the rest of us FBI,CIA bad Russia good, wtf.
  15. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Trump cuts Food Stamps

    I love bok choy now my Wife is Chinese came here with her parents and her siblings in 71’ she’s been trying to get me to eat healthy since forever I finally joined a gym last year and dropped 76 pounds all due to a bok choy diet (my Wife is 115 lbs soak and wet, wears a size 4 and has to buy her...
  16. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Democratic Socialsm

    I think that the response to this far right President might be just that .
  17. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Republicans in a nutshell

    You’re kidding me right? This is the party that fights tooth and nail to prevent unwanted pregnancies to be terminated but makes sure they can have another poor “sucker” strapped with sky high student loans for the rest of their lives.
  18. Blunted 4 lyfe

    FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

    Michael Flyns family set up a defense to pay his legal bills and will not accept donations from cadet bone spurs or his organization that’s why he’s scared Flynn knows what rocks cadet bone spurs been under.
  19. Blunted 4 lyfe

    We all know the 2020 Democratic Nominee

    Eric Holder. Hmmm. Just think about it a racist sandwiched between 2 black Presidents now that’s just priceless.
  20. Blunted 4 lyfe

    FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

    Must be a bombshell just like the memo from Nunes or the Benghazi investigation.