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  1. Buzz Buzzilla

    Cutting two weeks early then straight water under lights?!

    So I just had a thought today as I noticed a few of my huge nug steams were folded over and almost completely severed! I should first mention that I was well aware of the bent steam as I intentionally did this two weeks ago testing a theory and they were all progressing perfectly. The whole...
  2. Buzz Buzzilla

    Grapefruit Diesel curled and droopy leaves? Expert advice only please!

    This is my third attempt with this strain and each time it seems very unhappy compared to the rest of the garden? It looks like over or under watering and at times the lower leaves have shown cal def....I use 5-10mg of cal mag as directed however I'm starting to wonder if this has been the cause...
  3. Buzz Buzzilla

    Grapefruit diesel old leaves curling up and new leaves down

    This is my third attempt at growing this strain, I believe it's grapefruit diesel with strong stativa genetics (bag seed from a friend). It is a very fast grower and always shows signs of what appear to be over or under watering?! All my other 12+ strains have had no problem am I missing...
  4. Buzz Buzzilla

    Grapefruit Diesel showing over under waterimg

    This is the third time with this strain and same problems and advise? I'm leaning towards cal mag but I'm using 10ml per gal and every other strain I have ran seems just fine? Anyone?!
  5. Buzz Buzzilla

    Do smaller pots make your plants stretch???

    So a RIU member and I were discussing pot size and stretching. He is almost certain that a plant in a smaller pot will stretch. I'm not convinced but thought id start a thread to see what others may know about this?
  6. Buzz Buzzilla

    Crazy growth on all tops, any suggestions?

    So these have been moved from veg to flower and back to veg outside, also known as monster cropping. Has anyone had this happen? Is this common or a nute def?
  7. Buzz Buzzilla

    Is this headband? Please help if your familiar!!

    So I bought two clones at the same time...kind of got them mixed up! If anyone has experience with headband please help me identify it! The other possibility is that is phifty cal kush....about 4 weeks in flower if that helps
  8. Buzz Buzzilla

    Spinning your plants!!!

    Spining plants? Just a concept I have wanted to try...has anyone seen or heard of this being done? I'm thinking if light movers work so well then why not have a spinning plant vertically with the light to the side and at an angle.....and honestly you could do multiple plants around a single...