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  1. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium checkout this article on how japanese scientists are having success with starfish as fertilizers
  2. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Still very much a rookie..this is my first grow..its been a blessed grow. I appreciate any input. thanks
  3. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    The four later later bloomers
  4. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Better shot to show the lst i busted full bonsai
  5. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Closer of 5 gal..she flowered 2 weeks faster than the rest...does that mean a better pheno?
  6. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    The 5 gallon bucket in a ten gallon tub of perpetual tea
  7. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Bout to post more shots of the top fed soil / aerobic compost tea undercurrent whatever the heck is system.never drained the resevoir the whole run...just added water n beach life charcoal rhizo lacto bacilus n all the goodies...even added cream cheese n a jalapeno to my kelp brew with some rice...
  8. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    These jellys...n that bud pic is of the adub at 49 days...doin well id say
  9. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    These guys..they are wonderful!
  10. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Any beach but theyve been washing up down here where its warm..if u snorkel find those little clear floaty guys they dont have to be full on jellys..any sea life thats clear n floaty
  11. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Just pruned it..dayamn its sticky yo
  12. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    If u find a jellyfish on the beach u got some good stuff right there..
  13. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Read up on it...most definately gonna go scavenge some comfrey...havent tried em though nor the alfalfa..but definately gonna...currently bout to hit the thrift store for fermenting bunch of different things...i like the ocean stuff been working good for me...the pacific bull kelp...
  14. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Its pumping strong...tub keeps smelling good...n has light foam.....made some more crazy ol plantfood out of stuff in the fridge n from the beach...have phased out bottled nutes for 2 weeks or so now.. The others arw behind a bit bit now flowering strong
  15. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium I started my first grow after i smoked dmt and realized how foolish it was to keep paying for weed.. Within that clarity i felt a strong urge to do the system i have been trying to do ..... Then i came across knf korean natural farming...
  16. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Heres pic of a nug in works to show u that a stinky tub can be controlled using beneficial microbe brewing methods... I had a tub full of poo poo water and white slime i converted it into plant food theoretically
  17. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Ppm dropped 200 in two days as usual
  18. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Everythings still healthy as more foam in tub...gonna go get more kelp n charcoal ..
  19. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium

    Such an awesome site on the matter if making natural nutes n beneficial microbes n such..dudes a genious
  20. Scavenger

    The secret to growing dwc in compost tea with a soil medium