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  1. LazyBurnout420

    Cash money order

    I never bought any seeds online before and i dont wanna get ripped. What are some good sites that u never got ripped from and sent cash. Thanks for the help
  2. LazyBurnout420

    Anyone used fish emulsion?

    My teacher said he used it back when he used to grow. Has anyone else had good results and where can i buy some?
  3. LazyBurnout420

    outdoor seeds

    anybody got good results with any outdoor seeds they bought online? lemme know i need advice
  4. LazyBurnout420

    miracle gro?

    Does miracle already have a fertilizer in it? so i dont have to feed it any fertilizer for awhile?
  5. LazyBurnout420

    Sell me a few seeds

    money for seeds. let me know
  6. LazyBurnout420

    plz help. my little baby is dying

    Its about 3 weeks old and this is my first grow. The bottom spiked leaves are dying they seem to be turning white/yellow and the stem is turning PURPLE! and all the rest of the leaves are fadeing. HELP
  7. LazyBurnout420

    female? male?

    My baby mariana plant is almost 3 weeks old and it has white crystals all over its stem and leaves. does this mean its a female?
  8. LazyBurnout420

    1 quick question

    If i only have one male marijuana plant, can i use the seeds from it and plant them or will all the seeds be male ?
  9. LazyBurnout420


    This is my first and only grow and im afraid in the end it will turn out to be a MALE, which will suck. Can anyone help me with tips if its male or female, its two weeks old. <a href=""...
  10. LazyBurnout420

    red ants are eating my plant

    so how do i kill red ants from eating my plant